So you want to install a bird feeder in your backyard. That is fantastic. This will attract a large number of birds, together with some other animals they share the habitat with. If those creatures know how to climb on a tree, you already have a problem. The food that is supposed to be enough for weeks of bird feeding vanishes overnight.
Most of the time this situation is created by the squirrels. They first empty the bird feeders on the ground, then go down and does not matter whether they like the food or not, they dumped it already. You fill it out, only to see that after two more days you have to start again.
The squirrel behavior
Depending on the feeder type and location, the squirrels have various ways to access them and the food inside. They have all the time in the world to figure out a way, if the solution is not clear from the first second. I saw a squirrel trying to get into a bird house by jumping from a fence at least twenty times within two hours (my neighbor bird feeder). I had to leave afterwards but I bet the creature stayed and kept trying.
For regular bird feeders - those ones that look like a house and are made of wood, they are nothing else but an open invitation for the squirrels to indulge. Unless you make them inaccessible - and we will discuss further how this can be achieved - the squirrels will show up and stay there until they are full. Some will even enter those bird houses and eat whatever is inside and will have a tougher time getting out. (no worries, they will manage eventually).
The other types of bird feeders are approached as follows: if possible, the squirrel will still want to get directly to the food by hanging on the rails designed as stands for the birds. Other approach is to come from above, hang on to the branch that is used to hold the feeder and shake the feeder so that the seeds fell on the ground. In this situation, some other squirrel or the neighboring chipmunk are already on the ground feeding on whatever falls from the sky. No worries, there will be plenty left for the “shaker”.
We go in details with a number of solutions you have to fix the problem. Solutions involve one of the three: location, food or feeder. One of the three should fix the issue, at least temporary. You still want to keep an eye on the installation and see whether it works or not.
If the squirrel cannot get to the bird feeder, the problem is solved. It does not matter you have a two dollars feeder which is not squirrel proof: the squirrel cannot get to it!
There are two solutions for this problem: either use a squirrel proof pole, or you install the feeder hanging by two - three wires, right in the open. Both solutions require a certain distance between the feeder and the nearest tall point - like a fence, or a tree, or even the house walls.
Personally I don’t like this approach, for multiple reasons. First of all, my backyard is small, so achieving a comfortable distance from the feeder to the trees and the house walls is impossible. Second even if I had a bigger backyard, I prefer to install the feeder near the bird bath, which is already a taller point, the squirrel can use it as a starting point and successfully climb to the bird feeder.
I am currently trying this solution as we speak, however I am a little bit skeptical. The reason: it seems the squirrels first try to dump the seeds on the ground and only afterwards they indeed figure out they don’t like it. I already filled the bird feeder three times in the last 10 days. It seems OK now, maybe the squirrels got the message, however I will wait at least three more weeks to consider the case closed.
Squirrel Proof Feeders
If you cannot install the feeder in a difficult to access location or you don’t want to give the squirrel proof seeds a try, then the only solution is to use squirrel proof feeders. They usually fall in three categories, without moving parts, with moving parts but non powered, and powered.
Without moving parts
They have a canopy that in theory prevents the squirrel from getting to the feeder from above and shaking it. This is one of them. They work as long as the squirrel cannot come from a lateral position. If they can, then the canopy is not very effective.
Another category have the actual feeder inside a cylindrical cage where only birds of a certain size can fit. This can be satisfactory for some, personally I believe all the birds should have access.
With moving parts, non powered
These have parts that usually don’t move when a bird is using the feeder, however they trigger under a heavier load, restricting the access to the food.
An example is this, where a platform can hold the birds while feeding, however will move as soon as a squirrel tries to hang on to it.
Another example is the feeder with a sliding part that moves down blocking the access to seeds when a bigger animal tries to climb on it. I had one of these, unfortunately the sliding part is kept in place by a spring, and that loses the strength with the time, leaving the sliding part in the "closed" position - where no squirrels, no birds can access the food.
The most expensive (and let’s say one of the best) feeders is this the Whipper - manufactured by Droll Yankees. This contains an electric engine that would spin the base when a heavier load is applied. Basically any squirrel tries to hang on to that part will start being spinned untill will let go.
People say you get what you pay for - this device is indeed expensive, a couple of times more than most of the other bird feeders.
Personally I did not use it - I did not want to come up with so much money - however a lot of people did and swear it is the best solution. There are other few who claim that even this one was figured out by the squirrels in about two weeks time.
If you don’t have enough space available, installing a squirrel proof solution is difficult. None of the solutions available is perfect, and the one that is closed to perfect is very expensive.
Personal approach: I believe the best approach is to have that cheapo bird feeder in a difficult to access position. Currently I am trying the special bird food stuff, however I am actively looking for a setup where the squirrels will not be able to get to the feeder. Will keep you posted!
Here is a video with the spinning machinery - the top of the line bird feeder. You can search more on youtube, is full of funny similar videos.
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